Pfister Painting is my painter of choice. He has done all my painting for over 15 years. Always professional and courteous. His work is impeccable. Always makes the room he paints look like new. His attention to detail is unparalleled. He and his crew are polite, clean and talented. I have had him do various jobs from just fixing a ceiling water leak to spraying kitchen cabinets. I can't wait to get him to redo my garage with an epoxy floor coating system. The results are worth the wait to get him if he is too busy.Services: Water damage repair
Pfister Painting is my painter of choice. He has done all my painting for over 15 years. Always professional and courteous. His work is impeccable. Always makes the room he paints look like new. His attention to detail is unparalleled. He and his crew are polite, clean and talented. I have had him do various jobs from just fixing a ceiling water leak to spraying kitchen cabinets. I can't wait to get him to redo my garage with an epoxy floor coating system. The results are worth the wait to get him if he is too busy.Services: Water damage repair
A1 company Highly recorded... read full review