⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I can't recommend this barber shop/hair studio enough! Not only do they offer amazing haircuts, but the atmosphere feels like home—so comfortable and welcoming. Rolando and his wife are the best! I make the trek from the Bronx every Thursday for my weekly appointment because it's just that good.
I’d love to tell everyone in New Jersey to check them out, but I secretly don’t want them to get overbooked! ? If you’re looking for a top-notch haircut and a great experience, this is the place to be!
Requested style: Any style I wanted he came through and did magic.
July 2024
I’ve been going to Rolando consistently since before he opened up the store, ever since he did i’ve had amazing haircuts after amazing haircuts no matter what i’m feeling.
Requested style: If I ask for a design then Rolando does it with perfect execution, I couldn’t ask for a better barber. Every time I walk out of there I look great and feel confident
Stylist: My barber/stylist (whatever you want to call him) was Rolando, he is extremely funny and always makes you feel confident he also is a great person to have a conversation with.
July 2024
The most UNDERRATED and BEST haircut place I could ever have been to. The barbers have a variety of levels of experience between eachother, however all of them get the job done perfectly and I’ve never had problems interchanging between barbers for appointments, as I get hair cuts pretty frequently. They’re good with children and with the shop feeling very much like a “mom and pop” family shop style of business, they really make you feel at home. The barbers take their time accordingly and learn off of eachother, and they don’t make the fatal mistake most barbers do when it comes to haircuts and they go by your face shape and careful with what you want. This... read full review
I can't recommend this barber shop/hair studio enough! Not only do they offer amazing haircuts, but the atmosphere feels like home—so comfortable and welcoming. Rolando and his wife are the best! I make the trek from the Bronx every Thursday for my weekly appointment because it's just that good.
I’d love to tell everyone in New Jersey to check them out, but I secretly don’t want them to get overbooked! ? If you’re looking for a top-notch haircut and a great experience, this is the place to be!
Requested style: Any style I wanted he came through and did magic.
I’ve been going to Rolando consistently since before he opened up the store, ever since he did i’ve had amazing haircuts after amazing haircuts no matter what i’m feeling.
Requested style: If I ask for a design then Rolando does it with perfect execution, I couldn’t ask for a better barber. Every time I walk out of there I look great and feel confident
Stylist: My barber/stylist (whatever you want to call him) was Rolando, he is extremely funny and always makes you feel confident he also is a great person to have a conversation with.
The most UNDERRATED and BEST haircut place I could ever have been to. The barbers have a variety of levels of experience between eachother, however all of them get the job done perfectly and I’ve never had problems interchanging between barbers for appointments, as I get hair cuts pretty frequently. They’re good with children and with the shop feeling very much like a “mom and pop” family shop style of business, they really make you feel at home. The barbers take their time accordingly and learn off of eachother, and they don’t make the fatal mistake most barbers do when it comes to haircuts and they go by your face shape and careful with what you want. This... read full review