I was a draftsman/designer for Construction Specialties from the late 1980's to 1998, at the old Cranford NJ offices and plant on Wynans Ave. (pictured below). I started with the short-lived "Innocrete" raised computer flooring division, then shifted to the Tech-Wall product line and finished as the main Column Cover line designer before moving on. I enjoyed my time there and felt valued by management. It was the long commute, 75 to 90 minutes on average one way, that had me look elsewhere.
I was a draftsman/designer for Construction Specialties from the late 1980's to 1998, at the old Cranford NJ offices and plant on Wynans Ave. (pictured below). I started with the short-lived "Innocrete" raised computer flooring division, then shifted to the Tech-Wall product line and finished as the main Column Cover line designer before moving on. I enjoyed my time there and felt valued by management. It was the long commute, 75 to 90 minutes on average one way, that had me look elsewhere.