From Fresh Focus
Stop complaints about dirt and odor and start utilizing Fresh Focus's powerful spray foam cleaning, commercial cleaning, and odor removal services. We clean, deodorize, and disinfect the dirtiest areas in apartments and multi-tenant buildings in New York City, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC, including for trash chutes, drains, carpets, elevators, and more. Fresh Focus Pro's powerful cleaners adhere to any surface they’re sprayed on, resulting in longer contact time and a deeper clean. Our cleaning and odor elimination solutions work for multiple applications, including food, pet, and smoke smells. Stop customer complaints and pests while keeping the most critical areas of your property clean & odor-free. Get a free quote!
Fresh Focus provides powerful spray foam cleaning, commercial cleaning, and odor removal services for apartments, multi-tenant buildings, and other properties in New York City, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC. Their professional crew cleans, deodorizes, and disinfects the dirtiest areas, including trash chutes, drains, carpets, and elevators. Their cleaning solutions effectively eliminate food, pet, and smoke odors, keeping critical areas clean and odor-free. Customers have praised Fresh Focus's efficient, timely, and professional service, with one client stating they "do a great job" and will use their services annually. Another client, Rosy B., was "very happy with the work done" and highly recommends Fresh Focus.