All went well, they came the day after I called, they brought their own hoses (other places I called wanted to use my hose which is not long enough) cleared out the clog in my gutters Aug.2024, were polite and avoided my neighbor's property as I requested.
September 2024
Excellent service! Knowledgeable and friendly servicemen. All aspects of our concerns were addressed and the work looks solid! No “test drive” yet because it hasn’t rained, but based upon the quality work, I have no concerns. I’ll add more once it rains…
September 2024
On-time, thorough, polite and got the job done well, leaving my roof and yard clean. Only problem was that the billing I set up included a first-time customer discount and a senior discount. I called the NJ office and this was immediately revised correctly, emailed to me and paid today. I will recommend Ned's service to others.
All went well, they came the day after I called, they brought their own hoses (other places I called wanted to use my hose which is not long enough) cleared out the clog in my gutters Aug.2024, were polite and avoided my neighbor's property as I requested.
Excellent service! Knowledgeable and friendly servicemen. All aspects of our concerns were addressed and the work looks solid! No “test drive” yet because it hasn’t rained, but based upon the quality work, I have no concerns. I’ll add more once it rains…
On-time, thorough, polite and got the job done well, leaving my roof and yard clean. Only problem was that the billing I set up included
a first-time customer discount and a senior discount. I called the NJ office and this was immediately revised correctly, emailed to me and paid today. I will recommend Ned's service to others.