“The best doctor in the State (NJ). He spends quality time with his patience and gives you the right advice. Our family has been going to Dr Harry Elia since 2010. My daughter had severe food and seasonal allergies. She was not able to eat lot of food and most of fall/spring season she could not play outside. Her immune was extremely weak also. It has been 12 years that my daughter is able to eat and play outside.“
“I had suffered with severe tinnitus for 53 years. It had become so problematic that before seeing Dr. Kaplan I was essentially homebound in constant fear of any unexpected noise. The sound of a gardener mowing on my block would send me panically donning shotgun blast protector headphones. The situation appeared hopeless. Then I heard of Dr. Kaplan. Within the first few sessions I threw away the headphones. It got better from there. I just booked a plane flight for a vacation that had always been beyond physically possible. Dr. Kaplan not only reduced my sensitivity to noise and the ringing in my ears—-he gave me back a normal existence. Thank you Sir.“