I dropped off my Nissan Xterra thinking I needed transmission work. I googled the symptoms and it said it's either a timing chain or transmission. They drove it for a day and said they really didn't think I needed transmission work. They thought it might be a timing chain or another issue and referred me to another shop to further analyze my problem. If I am ever in need of transmission work I will not hesitate to take it to them. I feel I am a good judge of character and they are about as honest as they come and a master of their trade. After talking to the owner of other shop I feel I am good hands whatever the problem turns out to be.
April 2024
Bill put a new transmission in our FJ Cruiser, and we are very satisfied. He’s the only mechanic in Wilmington I would trust to do transmission work. He’s honest and a master at his trade!
December 2023
I was very impressed with Bill's honesty, integrity, and willingness to help. Originally, I thought I might have had a transmission issue. Bill said he might not get to my car for a couple of days, as he had a lot of work backed up. The same day, I was pleasantly surprised when Bill called me and told me that he ran the code machine on my car, which showed that two of the cylinders were misfiring, which can cause the car to not speed up and cause transmission lockup. Despite being busy, he found the time to deal with my issue. Rather than just going ahead and replacing the transmission without telling me like many would have done, Bill suggested to me to take my... read full review
I dropped off my Nissan Xterra thinking I needed transmission work. I googled the symptoms and it said it's either a timing chain or transmission. They drove it for a day and said they really didn't think I needed transmission work. They thought it might be a timing chain or another issue and referred me to another shop to further analyze my problem. If I am ever in need of transmission work I will not hesitate to take it to them. I feel I am a good judge of character and they are about as honest as they come and a master of their trade. After talking to the owner of other shop I feel I am good hands whatever the problem turns out to be.
Bill put a new transmission in our FJ Cruiser, and we are very satisfied. He’s the only mechanic in Wilmington I would trust to do transmission work. He’s honest and a master at his trade!
I was very impressed with Bill's honesty, integrity, and willingness to help. Originally, I thought I might have had a transmission issue. Bill said he might not get to my car for a couple of days, as he had a lot of work backed up. The same day, I was pleasantly surprised when Bill called me and told me that he ran the code machine on my car, which showed that two of the cylinders were misfiring, which can cause the car to not speed up and cause transmission lockup. Despite being busy, he found the time to deal with my issue. Rather than just going ahead and replacing the transmission without telling me like many would have done, Bill suggested to me to take my... read full review