From Kid Sense Therapy
Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Developmental Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy Helping Kids make SENSE of their world - Kid Sense Therapy is a multidisciplinary practice dedicated to helping kids thrive in all stages of development. Services include occupational therapy, physical therapy and developmental therapy. All services are provided in the most appropriate place for each child….home, childcare, or clinic. Kid Sense Therapy practices from a sensory/motor framework. We believe all learning comes from our senses: touch, sound, taste, sight, smell and movement. We provide therapy techniques rich in sensory motor experiences in order to help kids process information from their environment effectively and succeed in life.
Kid Sense Therapy is a multidisciplinary practice providing occupational, physical, and developmental therapy services to kids in various settings, including the home, childcare, or clinic. Their approach is based on a sensory/motor framework, focusing on a child's senses: touch, sound, taste, sight, smell, and movement. This practice aims to help kids process information from their environment effectively and achieve success in life through sensory motor experiences. At Kid Sense Therapy, experienced therapists like Rachel Curran and others, such as Ms. Corey and Ms. Abby, have helped children make significant growth and development progress. Parents have praised the therapists for their friendly, flexible, and engaging approach, which keeps children motivated and interested in therapy sessions. By providing a supportive and trusting environment, Kid Sense Therapy has made a positive impact on many children's lives.