“Mr. Louis, Luis, Lewes, or any other form of spelling. Aka, I’m nicknaming you Mr. 35.<br><br>You may have 35 yrs in this profession, but you also spent close to that time frame in minutes from the second I sat down in the chair.<br><br>Sat in the chair after 5, you mentioned wrapping up btw 5:30-6:00. I don’t blame you, storm rolling in, a little distance to cover to get home, and yet you took your time.<br><br>Approx 5:20 a young lady and man walk in, your vernacular in conversing with all people young to old is just really awesome.<br><br>I expected you to speed up, so you can fit the other customer in and still come somewhat close to leaving in your time range, but h-e to the double L no, you took your time and put your wants second to other.<br><br>Some people may read this and say that’s “your job”. To them I respond, your hands put in that 35 yrs of muscle memory, and for lack of better terms you just treat people so freaking well.<br><br>Actually I’ll do one better, it was a blessing to meet someone that lives through actions and authenticity like the services on Sundays attempt to compel us to do.<br><br>Call it a hair cut, after the day I had, I see some God and Jesus through you.<br><br>You’re solid, never change“
“Mr. Louis, Luis, Lewes, or any other form of spelling. Aka, I’m nicknaming you Mr. 35.<br><br>You may have 35 yrs in this profession, but you also spent close to that time frame in minutes from the second I sat down in the chair.<br><br>Sat in the chair after 5, you mentioned wrapping up btw 5:30-6:00. I don’t blame you, storm rolling in, a little distance to cover to get home, and yet you took your time.<br><br>Approx 5:20 a young lady and man walk in, your vernacular in conversing with all people young to old is just really awesome.<br><br>I expected you to speed up, so you can fit the other customer in and still come somewhat close to leaving in your time range, but h-e to the double L no, you took your time and put your wants second to other.<br><br>Some people may read this and say that’s “your job”. To them I respond, your hands put in that 35 yrs of muscle memory, and for lack of better terms you just treat people so freaking well.<br><br>Actually I’ll do one better, it was a blessing to meet someone that lives through actions and authenticity like the services on Sundays attempt to compel us to do.<br><br>Call it a hair cut, after the day I had, I see some God and Jesus through you.<br><br>You’re solid, never change“