The facility was filthy- furniture, carpet, walls. It looked as if someone had spit green mouthwash into the sink and the toilet was disgusting! It looked like an old gas station bathroom. I left without even completing the paperwork. Ugh!
February 2022
The "gentleman" (dr. Of whom didn't introduce himself) was nice-ish, kind of dry and Wasn't wearing a mask. I don't know his name because he wasn't whom I originally booked with. The office was dirty and a little sketchy. I probably could've went through with what I had my consultation for it it wasn't so dirty. Overall, I was far from comfortable.
August 2021
The doctor knows what he's doing and gave a great adjustment!!
The facility was filthy- furniture, carpet, walls. It looked as if someone had spit green mouthwash into the sink and the toilet was disgusting! It looked like an old gas station bathroom. I left without even completing the paperwork. Ugh!
The "gentleman" (dr. Of whom didn't introduce himself) was nice-ish, kind of dry and Wasn't wearing a mask. I don't know his name because he wasn't whom I originally booked with. The office was dirty and a little sketchy. I probably could've went through with what I had my consultation for it it wasn't so dirty. Overall, I was far from comfortable.
The doctor knows what he's doing and gave a great adjustment!!