Julia knows what she is doing! I have been going here for 1 year. My hair has never looked so good in my whole life thanks to her miracle working hands and expert eye. This is a local family run place and I love that! From the moment I walked in I felt welcomed and taken care of. Whether I want to be golden, ashy or brunette Julia knows how to get me where I want to go with my hair! And it’s SO SOFT and SHINY now. Grateful my friend told me about this place!
Apr 2020
Julia knows what she is doing! I have been going here for 1 year. My hair has never looked so good in my whole life thanks to her miracle working hands and expert eye. This is a local family run place and I love that! From the moment I walked in I felt welcomed and taken care of. Whether I want to be golden, ashy or brunette Julia knows how to get me where I want to go with my hair! And it’s SO SOFT and SHINY now. Grateful my friend told me about this place!
Julia knows what she is doing! I have been going here for 1 year. My hair has never looked so good in my whole life thanks to her miracle working hands and expert eye. This is a local family run place and I love that! From the moment I walked in I felt welcomed and taken care of. Whether I want to be golden, ashy or brunette Julia knows how to get me where I want to go with my hair! And it’s SO SOFT and SHINY now. Grateful my friend told me about this place!
Julia knows what she is doing! I have been going here for 1 year. My hair has never looked so good in my whole life thanks to her miracle working hands and expert eye. This is a local family run place and I love that! From the moment I walked in I felt welcomed and taken care of. Whether I want to be golden, ashy or brunette Julia knows how to get me where I want to go with my hair! And it’s SO SOFT and SHINY now. Grateful my friend told me about this place!