Comfort Keepers are a god send. We had several people come all were great. However, I must single out an Kelly, who became our primary care provider during my mother's last 2 weeks. Kelly was kind, attentive and knew what to do without even being asked. She helped me and my Aunt (my mother's sister) so much. Knew our pet's names after one visit, so many little things. I just want to say I am so happy to work with this company. Kelly was so kind during my most difficult time. I am thankful for her, and everyone at comfort keepers. Every contact with this company was a good experience. Thank you.
December 2022
Comfort Keepers are a god send. We had several people come all were great. However, I must single out an Kelly, who became our primary care provider during my mother's last 2 weeks. Kelly was kind, attentive and knew what to do without even being asked. She helped me and my Aunt (my mother's sister) so much. Knew our pet's names after one visit, so many little things. I just want to say I am so happy to work with this company. Kelly was so kind during my most difficult time. I am thankful for her, and everyone at comfort keepers. Every contact with this company was a good experience. Thank you.
July 2020
Comfort Keepers is a first-class organization my late father hired in 2014 to look after him and my mother. He died shortly thereafter, but I retained Comfort Keepers to look after my mother and have not regretted the decision--ever. The service and responsiveness are excellent. Any misunderstandings or problems, and they are few, are handled with customer satisfaction first and foremost the priority. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, NO RESERVATIONS IN HAVING COMFORT KEEPERS LOOKING AFTER MY MOTHER. Semper Fidelis, Charles A. Jones, Colonel, USMCR (Retired).
Comfort Keepers are a god send. We had several people come all were great. However, I must single out an Kelly, who became our primary care provider during my mother's last 2 weeks. Kelly was kind, attentive and knew what to do without even being asked. She helped me and my Aunt (my mother's sister) so much. Knew our pet's names after one visit, so many little things. I just want to say I am so happy to work with this company. Kelly was so kind during my most difficult time. I am thankful for her, and everyone at comfort keepers. Every contact with this company was a good experience. Thank you.
Comfort Keepers are a god send. We had several people come all were great. However, I must single out an Kelly, who became our primary care provider during my mother's last 2 weeks. Kelly was kind, attentive and knew what to do without even being asked. She helped me and my Aunt (my mother's sister) so much. Knew our pet's names after one visit, so many little things. I just want to say I am so happy to work with this company. Kelly was so kind during my most difficult time. I am thankful for her, and everyone at comfort keepers. Every contact with this company was a good experience. Thank you.
Comfort Keepers is a first-class organization my late father hired in 2014 to look after him and my mother. He died shortly thereafter, but I retained Comfort Keepers to look after my mother and have not regretted the decision--ever. The service and responsiveness are excellent. Any misunderstandings or problems, and they are few, are handled with customer satisfaction first and foremost the priority. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED, NO RESERVATIONS IN HAVING COMFORT KEEPERS LOOKING AFTER MY MOTHER. Semper Fidelis, Charles A. Jones, Colonel, USMCR (Retired).