From Charlotte Acu Bodywork
Charlotte Acu Bodywork is more than just acupuncture or traditional Chinese medicine. As a matter of fact its neither! We offer traditional Eastern Healing Arts with no-needle acupuncture techniques that stimulate reflexes in the body. This allows pathways known as meridians to open up, allowing vital nutrients such as new blood and oxygen to nourish the vital organs. Yadi Alamin, owner and operator of Charlotte Acu Bodywork will tell you his amazing story that's hung up on the front door of his local Lower South End clinic. He was an emaciated 138 LBS when his chronic liver condition had taken his life for a turn for the worse...or was it for the better? Book a session and find out how for yourself!
Charlotte Acu Bodywork offers a unique approach to traditional Eastern Healing Arts, using no-needle acupuncture techniques to stimulate reflexes in the body. This approach allows pathways known as meridians to open up, enabling vital nutrients like new blood and oxygen to nourish vital organs. The clinic, located in Lower South End, provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere where knowledgeable practitioners work with clients to understand and address their health concerns. Through reflexology sessions and Qigong classes, clients have reported significant improvements in their health, including relief from chronic conditions like cervical dystonia, arthritis, and back pain. The practitioners at Charlotte Acu Bodywork take a holistic approach, also providing guidance on diet and overall health. With a focus on education and empowerment, the clinic has earned a reputation as a trusted and innovative healthcare destination.