“We have used Michelle Dobbs of Dobbs Tax Service for somewhere around 12 or 13 years My son uses them too. They have always been honest with us and have made us stay honest on our taxes. For the peace of mind that gives I am forever grateful. My taxes are with them now and I am not worried about the outcome. I know they will do their best to get me the most honest refund back that she can get me. If they make a mistake I Have will go back and check but I am sure that no where in their paperwork do they claim to be perfect and never do anything by mistake. The are perfectly fine wonderful HUMAN-BEINGS. Who live and love and have good days and bad days and some days where everything works out and seems to be going perfect. Then when all is going good and you think it is smooth sailing everything turns into trash. That’s the way it is. You live it, I live it I think it’s only fair that we give these women the common courtesy to be human too. Never has a human been born that hasn’t made a mistake. Donna and Michelle are two great ladies who chose Tax Preparation as their career choices. They chose well I believe!“