I’ve gone to Judy exclusively for the last 5 years for waxing. She is so friendly, professional, and knowledgeable about what she does. Hard wax, then soft wax, then even tweezers- no hair is safe!!
February 2020
Judy is the best Esthetician I have ever had. I went to her on a monthly basis for my Microderm abrasion's. Without them I would break out in adult acne. I was clear of hyperpigmentation and had very little breakouts when I was going to her. I even started having my teenage son go to her for his acne issues. Then sadly my family had to move. I have tried three different places so far at my new location but no one compares to Judy. If you live in the Warrensburg area, she's the best!
August 2018
I've been going to Judy's for about 3 years and I would recommend her for any of her services. She's funny, friendly and always a pleasure to be around. Very clean and professional work area.
I’ve gone to Judy exclusively for the last 5 years for waxing. She is so friendly, professional, and knowledgeable about what she does. Hard wax, then soft wax, then even tweezers- no hair is safe!!
Judy is the best Esthetician I have ever had. I went to her on a monthly basis for my Microderm abrasion's. Without them I would break out in adult acne. I was clear of hyperpigmentation and had very little breakouts when I was going to her. I even started having my teenage son go to her for his acne issues. Then sadly my family had to move. I have tried three different places so far at my new location but no one compares to Judy. If you live in the Warrensburg area, she's the best!
I've been going to Judy's for about 3 years and I would recommend her for any of her services. She's funny, friendly and always a pleasure to be around. Very clean and professional work area.