“Dr. Moreland has improved my life with acupuncture therapy. I have been receiving regular treatments to slow down the effects of chemotherapy induced neuropathy. I noticed improvement after each session and attribute the lack of permanent neuropathy to acupuncture. I highly recommend Dr. Moreland and his staff, it’s so evident how much they all care for their patients. Dr. Moreland is a wealth of knowledge and I’m so thankful I’ve found him cancer journey.“
“Been to several different chiropractors, he's the only one that doesn't just get you in and out , he figures out what is truly wrong so he can help you heal !“
“Dr. Moreland has improved my life with acupuncture therapy. I have been receiving regular treatments to slow down the effects of chemotherapy induced neuropathy. I noticed improvement after each session and attribute the lack of permanent neuropathy to acupuncture. I highly recommend Dr. Moreland and his staff, it’s so evident how much they all care for their patients. Dr. Moreland is a wealth of knowledge and I’m so thankful I’ve found him cancer journey.“