I've been going to Janie monthly for nearly a year. I have natural very thick hair that was damaged from a texturizer when I first came by. She's done a great job with it; after about 9 months my hair has nearly grown back to the length it was when she cut off the damage, and my hair doesn't shed so much anymore. She's very friendly and doesn't take all day.Service: Hairstyling
August 2017
I've been cutting my hair since I was 16 and was done with salonist using my hair as a canvas for their crazy styles. Dottie completely changed my views on hairstylist. She listened to want I wanted and gave me exactly that. She was able to trim every split ends without taking any length off and put wonderful but subtle high lights. She's an amazing conversationalist and is officially my hairstylist after yesterday. Thank you Dottie for being a wonderful and beautiful spirit, I look forward to my next hair cut.
June 2017
Highly recommend Lisa with Nail Accents (inside of Studio 213) - she was AWESOME! You are in a totally private room and she showers you with attention. It was peaceful, and very relaxing. The mani and the pedi were one of the best I have ever had. Plus they lasted incredibly long, even though it was not shellac. LOVED IT! Going back for sure
I've been going to Janie monthly for nearly a year. I have natural very thick hair that was damaged from a texturizer when I first came by. She's done a great job with it; after about 9 months my hair has nearly grown back to the length it was when she cut off the damage, and my hair doesn't shed so much anymore. She's very friendly and doesn't take all day.Service: Hairstyling
I've been cutting my hair since I was 16 and was done with salonist using my hair as a canvas for their crazy styles. Dottie completely changed my views on hairstylist. She listened to want I wanted and gave me exactly that. She was able to trim every split ends without taking any length off and put wonderful but subtle high lights. She's an amazing conversationalist and is officially my hairstylist after yesterday. Thank you Dottie for being a wonderful and beautiful spirit, I look forward to my next hair cut.
Highly recommend Lisa with Nail Accents (inside of Studio 213) - she was AWESOME! You are in a totally private room and she showers you with attention. It was peaceful, and very relaxing. The mani and the pedi were one of the best I have ever had. Plus they lasted incredibly long, even though it was not shellac. LOVED IT! Going back for sure