Should have looked at the reviews before I got here. The coin machine would not take cash and the gas station does not give change. There are large bays and it would’ve been nice to be able to use it. It does not take cards.
Dec 2014
Ugh!! The car wash part is alright, nothing fancy. Sometimes they have teenagers working at the pull through that does an okay job. Next time I'm going down to the car wash past Gerbes or at Robo on the Blvd. or heck for $20 a month I can do both locations at Kwik Kar for unlimited wash AND vacuum. I just spent 75¢ on like two minutes worth of vacuuming. My vehicle is literally brand new. One week ago I bought it. Had a few pebbles and grass clippings figured I'd keep it clean and vacuum it out---didn't even have time to do the back floorboard or any seats. First off 75¢ is a rip off and second that's not nearly enough time at all!
Should have looked at the reviews before I got here. The coin machine would not take cash and the gas station does not give change. There are large bays and it would’ve been nice to be able to use it. It does not take cards.
Ugh!! The car wash part is alright, nothing fancy. Sometimes they have teenagers working at the pull through that does an okay job. Next time I'm going down to the car wash past Gerbes or at Robo on the Blvd. or heck for $20 a month I can do both locations at Kwik Kar for unlimited wash AND vacuum. I just spent 75¢ on like two minutes worth of vacuuming. My vehicle is literally brand new. One week ago I bought it. Had a few pebbles and grass clippings figured I'd keep it clean and vacuum it out---didn't even have time to do the back floorboard or any seats. First off 75¢ is a rip off and second that's not nearly enough time at all!