USDOT - 1467449 KYU - 260867 Trucker going west on I70 until he took the Elsberry exit at 3:10pm. His truck was launching rocks from everywhere, a few hit my windshield and another hit my hand when I was waiving out the window trying to get his attention. He ignored me & when we go to take the same exit (Elsberry) he almost hits me/runs me off the exit ramp by cutting me off in the left lane just to go back into his lane to take a right. For what, a faster wider turn or to send a message that you don’t care it’s the end of the day you just want to go home? I get it man it’s August heat & you probably worked your butt off all day. But still, not cool sir. full review
USDOT - 1467449
KYU - 260867
Trucker going west on I70 until he took the Elsberry exit at 3:10pm. His truck was launching rocks from everywhere, a few hit my windshield and another hit my hand when I was waiving out the window trying to get his attention. He ignored me & when we go to take the same exit (Elsberry) he almost hits me/runs me off the exit ramp by cutting me off in the left lane just to go back into his lane to take a right. For what, a faster wider turn or to send a message that you don’t care it’s the end of the day you just want to go home? I get it man it’s August heat & you probably worked your butt off all day. But still, not cool sir. full review