“Judy is such a fantastic person to work with. She was very patient and stood by my side for 2 years, putting numerous offers in and looking for the right house. It got frustrating for a while as offers were declined, etc. We never heard one complaint from her she was always there to stay positive and kept looking. She also pays close attention to detail and will dig into any information you need or want to know before purchasing. I could go on for hours about how great she was, but I'll stop there; going with Judy would not be a disappointment.“
“Judy is such a fantastic person to work with. She was very patient and stood by my side for 2 years, putting numerous offers in and looking for the right house. It got frustrating for a while as offers were declined, etc. We never heard one complaint from her she was always there to stay positive and kept looking. She also pays close attention to detail and will dig into any information you need or want to know before purchasing. I could go on for hours about how great she was, but I'll stop there; going with Judy would not be a disappointment.“