Be careful when you sign up with this company. Their service agreement seems to be changeable at the whim of the owner.They remind you, multiple times, that if you cancel your scheduled behind the wheel appointment with less than 24 hours notice, they charge you $75. But they just called, around 8 hours before our appointment, and cancelled. Unwilling to compensate us for that.The owner says that the instructor is "sick," and that if our student was sick they would not charge us the fee. I asked if that is in the service agreement, to which he replied, "no."So, he can change the service agreement to insert exceptions to the agreement, unless it means... read full review
August 2023
left a sweatshirt there and told them to hang onto it and they gave it to somebody else sweatshirt cost:180$
April 2023
Did not like my instructor. It was one specific person that was rude that I had for number 2 and 3 behind the wheel. I should’ve not spent money if I didn’t get the specific instructor that I had for my first behind the wheel.
Be careful when you sign up with this company. Their service agreement seems to be changeable at the whim of the owner.They remind you, multiple times, that if you cancel your scheduled behind the wheel appointment with less than 24 hours notice, they charge you $75. But they just called, around 8 hours before our appointment, and cancelled. Unwilling to compensate us for that.The owner says that the instructor is "sick," and that if our student was sick they would not charge us the fee. I asked if that is in the service agreement, to which he replied, "no."So, he can change the service agreement to insert exceptions to the agreement, unless it means... read full review
left a sweatshirt there and told them to hang onto it and they gave it to somebody else sweatshirt cost:180$
Did not like my instructor. It was one specific person that was rude that I had for number 2 and 3 behind the wheel. I should’ve not spent money if I didn’t get the specific instructor that I had for my first behind the wheel.