Exactly what a deep tissue massage should be. I walked out feeling a little sore, but also feeling like all my muscles were looser and my range of motion was a lot better. And bonus points- I'm really sensitive to scented products, and a lot of massage places really overuse the scented oils, lotions, etc. This place had no hint of that, other than a little peppermint oil at the end. So for someone like me, that is a big win! I will definitely be back.
Exactly what a deep tissue massage should be. I walked out feeling a little sore, but also feeling like all my muscles were looser and my range of motion was a lot better. And bonus points- I'm really sensitive to scented products, and a lot of massage places really overuse the scented oils, lotions, etc. This place had no hint of that, other than a little peppermint oil at the end. So for someone like me, that is a big win! I will definitely be back.