I needed a bunch of trees removed, Some were massive. I got three quotes. JD's was the cheapest of all. They showed up on time, knocked out the job as agree. The service, level, professionalism and reapect was outstanding. I thank JD's team for doing outstanding work that's so hard to find now days! Also it was great to see his two boys with him as they worked together all day long. I highly recommend this company. I usually dont leave reviews but I felt compelled because of the service I received when it's so hard to find anyone to do this kind of work anymore.
Aug 2022
Removed two large trees from our backyard today. J.& D's tree removal crew had the job completed in approximately 2 hours. I was concerned about turf damage from their equipment, but their care and terrific equipment had very little impact. Dan and his well trained crew are true professionals in every sense of the word.
Jul 2022
The only reason for the 4 stars instead of 5, is that the communication on getting the appt and response time needs work. But as always, JD's team came through and did a great job. We weren't home when they came but our neighbor helped out. The only way we knew they were there was the empty spot where the tree used to be. Neatly cleaned and no cable or wire incidents, which was amazing being they were very close to the stump. We've used them before and will use again! Highly recommend this team!
I needed a bunch of trees removed, Some were massive. I got three quotes. JD's was the cheapest of all. They showed up on time, knocked out the job as agree. The service, level, professionalism and reapect was outstanding. I thank JD's team for doing outstanding work that's so hard to find now days! Also it was great to see his two boys with him as they worked together all day long. I highly recommend this company. I usually dont leave reviews but I felt compelled because of the service I received when it's so hard to find anyone to do this kind of work anymore.
Removed two large trees from our backyard today. J.& D's tree removal crew had the job completed in approximately 2 hours. I was concerned about turf damage from their equipment, but their care and terrific equipment had very little impact. Dan and his well trained crew are true professionals in every sense of the word.
The only reason for the 4 stars instead of 5, is that the communication on getting the appt and response time needs work. But as always, JD's team came through and did a great job. We weren't home when they came but our neighbor helped out. The only way we knew they were there was the empty spot where the tree used to be. Neatly cleaned and no cable or wire incidents, which was amazing being they were very close to the stump. We've used them before and will use again! Highly recommend this team!