I don't like to write negative posts. But you replied asking why 1 star. So I used zoom drain 1 time. I now know zoom drain bought out eco clean. I was told when i called eco clean, it's zoom drain with eco clean costomers. Therefore I gave a 1 star. I paid a lot of $ (I believe $240) to zoom drain, and the tech did not unclog my tub drain. He tried a plunger and then a snake for a few minutes and when he hit what appears to be a 90 in the plumbing about 8' in and could not get his snake by it, he said that's all I could do. Zoom drain does not do plumbing, they do clogged toilets and clogged drains.
January 2022
I got an appointment next morning. They are open 24/7. Tanner was good and efficient, put a camera down the drain and found the blockage. Used his snake to clear it out. Running clear now. There is a pipe sag 1/2 way down the driveway, which will have to be dug out and repaired and replace the pipe. Waiting for their estimate.Services: Drain cleaning
January 2022
House foundation drain was backed up and flooding basement. They were able to come next day, gave a clear, and fair, estimate of cost, showed up on time, had new equipment run by trained and courteous professional, were able to diagnose a complicated root-in-drain problem.Service: Drain cleaning
I don't like to write negative posts. But you replied asking why 1 star. So I used zoom drain 1 time. I now know zoom drain bought out eco clean. I was told when i called eco clean, it's zoom drain with eco clean costomers. Therefore I gave a 1 star. I paid a lot of $ (I believe $240) to zoom drain, and the tech did not unclog my tub drain. He tried a plunger and then a snake for a few minutes and when he hit what appears to be a 90 in the plumbing about 8' in and could not get his snake by it, he said that's all I could do. Zoom drain does not do plumbing, they do clogged toilets and clogged drains.
I got an appointment next morning. They are open 24/7. Tanner was good and efficient, put a camera down the drain and found the blockage. Used his snake to clear it out. Running clear now. There is a pipe sag 1/2 way down the driveway, which will have to be dug out and repaired and replace the pipe. Waiting for their estimate.Services: Drain cleaning
House foundation drain was backed up and flooding basement. They were able to come next day, gave a clear, and fair, estimate of cost, showed up on time, had new equipment run by trained and courteous professional, were able to diagnose a complicated root-in-drain problem.Service: Drain cleaning