Here's the thing. I couldn't use their service. I live a little too far from their area of operation. When I called I was suggested a closer alternative. But before that, he asked a few questions, gave a possible solution that turned out to be perfect. Heading into the evening without any septic, is a daunting prospect. The gentleman at Valley View did us a huge favor. And we will be forever thankful.
January 2024
Ralph was excellent! I called in the late afternoon and he was able to come the next morning. Very reasonable prices, quick service & a very nice and personable guy! Would definitely recommend!
May 2023
Ralph came the same day my husband called. We had tried the service near us but never got a call back. Ralph's wife said he was out doing calls and would come by. He pumped the septic tank, showed me that the filter was loose and gave me all the info on what to do in the spring to replace it with a better model. He was friendly, funny and knowledgeable. We will call them again if any future issues.
Here's the thing. I couldn't use their service. I live a little too far from their area of operation. When I called I was suggested a closer alternative. But before that, he asked a few questions, gave a possible solution that turned out to be perfect. Heading into the evening without any septic, is a daunting prospect. The gentleman at Valley View did us a huge favor. And we will be forever thankful.
Ralph was excellent! I called in the late afternoon and he was able to come the next morning. Very reasonable prices, quick service & a very nice and personable guy! Would definitely recommend!
Ralph came the same day my husband called. We had tried the service near us but never got a call back. Ralph's wife said he was out doing calls and would come by. He pumped the septic tank, showed me that the filter was loose and gave me all the info on what to do in the spring to replace it with a better model. He was friendly, funny and knowledgeable. We will call them again if any future issues.