TianDr Tain is an extremely professional and knowledgeable acupuncturist. He is currently treating my husband for a rare eye disease. He listens and evaluates carefully and is very caring and compassionate. No other doctors have given my husband any hope to see again. Dr Tian treats him as an individual and gives him hope and inspiration for recovery. He uses a unique approach to treat my husband’s optic nerve neuropathy combining wholistic health with electrode-acupuncture and herbs. He always greets us with a smile. His jovial demeanor helps to make this rare eye disease more bearable.Dr Tian has also treated my husband’s asthma/wheezing using acupuncture and herbs... read full review
April 2023
Dr Luke is beyond knowledgeable. He helped me considerably with my long COVID. He also does one hour sessions, with each of his patients which is way more than most practitioners do. Plus he takes insurance :)
February 2019
Brilliant Chinese medicine physician and herbalist. Highly gifted practitioner. Treats all types of health issues. Can't say enough good things. Reasonably priced. Accepts insurance.
TianDr Tain is an extremely professional and knowledgeable acupuncturist. He is currently treating my husband for a rare eye disease. He listens and evaluates carefully and is very caring and compassionate. No other doctors have given my husband any hope to see again. Dr Tian treats him as an individual and gives him hope and inspiration for recovery. He uses a unique approach to treat my husband’s optic nerve neuropathy combining wholistic health with electrode-acupuncture and herbs. He always greets us with a smile. His jovial demeanor helps to make this rare eye disease more bearable.Dr Tian has also treated my husband’s asthma/wheezing using acupuncture and herbs... read full review
Dr Luke is beyond knowledgeable. He helped me considerably with my long COVID. He also does one hour sessions, with each of his patients which is way more than most practitioners do. Plus he takes insurance :)
Brilliant Chinese medicine physician and herbalist. Highly gifted practitioner. Treats all types of health issues. Can't say enough good things. Reasonably priced. Accepts insurance.