Our dentist for our lifetime has been Dr. Markel! He is the best! He did all services; extractions, dental malocclusions, ( which he carries extra training) fillings, and finally caps that gave me and my husband the most beautiful smiles! 40 years we were there with him from young now older. He's the best, absolute best!!!
May 2022
Honesty, Integrity! He does not take advantage of someone in pain. No telling patients they need this or that when they don't need it. No overcharging for treatment not needed. Dr Markell goes beyond measures to help all aspects of dental care from emergency treatment to costs. He is a people person. I am a white knuckle, stick a finger to open my mouth gagger/puke type of patient! The world needs more patient care like Dr. Markell and his team gives.
Thank you Dr. Markell.
September 2021
Dr. Markel and his amazing wife Robin - are highly experienced professionals! I just started going to them and already had three fillings which I am very grateful for - well done, with no pain! Actually, we were having a great time fixing my teeth :) Now I feel much happier and if I may say, protected that they are checked and fixed on time :)I will definitely recommend John S. Markel, DDS to my family and friends. However, in reality, my family members were lucky enough to be the first who found and got to know those amazing people before me!Thank you so much for the great job and care!With all the respect,Tetiana Vysotska
Our dentist for our lifetime has been Dr. Markel! He is the best! He did all services; extractions, dental malocclusions, ( which he carries extra training) fillings, and finally caps that gave me and my husband the most beautiful smiles! 40 years we were there with him from young now older. He's the best, absolute best!!!
Honesty, Integrity! He does not take advantage of someone in pain. No telling patients they need this or that when they don't need it. No overcharging for treatment not needed. Dr Markell goes beyond measures to help all aspects of dental care from emergency treatment to costs. He is a people person. I am a white knuckle, stick a finger to open my mouth gagger/puke type of patient! The world needs more patient care like Dr. Markell and his team gives. Thank you Dr. Markell.
Dr. Markel and his amazing wife Robin - are highly experienced professionals! I just started going to them and already had three fillings which I am very grateful for - well done, with no pain! Actually, we were having a great time fixing my teeth :) Now I feel much happier and if I may say, protected that they are checked and fixed on time :)I will definitely recommend John S. Markel, DDS to my family and friends. However, in reality, my family members were lucky enough to be the first who found and got to know those amazing people before me!Thank you so much for the great job and care!With all the respect,Tetiana Vysotska