“I have been working with Quentara at Powwow, LLC for a while now. She is extremely knowledgeable and truly committed to helping people understand and realize their financial potential. I was overwhelmed by the enormous amounts of information needed to navigate what I thought was relatively basic personal finance, but it's a full time job! I definitely needed guidance. To put it simply, Quentara takes all the parts of your life regarding anything that has to do with money, which is pretty much everything, (house, family, college, retirement, and stuff you probably haven't even thought of, etc.) and develops a customized plan designed to fit YOUR goals and needs. And it's not some cookie cutter, one plan fits all, here ya go, see ya later gimic. It's the real deal. As my life has changed, so has the plan. One of the best things to happen in my life, has been establishing a relationship with Quentara at Powwow, LLC. Highly recommend Powwow, LLC.“