KK's Barbershop, a renowned establishment founded by Kanaan Kahde, a skilled barber originally from Lebanon. With over 7 years of experience, KK has built a loyal clientele who appreciate his precise beard work, sophisticated haircuts, and styling expertise. Known for his professionalism, KK's shop is always spotless, and he takes the time to ensure customers leave satisfied. Offering services such as razor cuts and haircuts, KK's Barbershop is praised for its prompt and friendly service, good prices, and perfect cuts. Customers from nearby areas, including Barrington, RI, are willing to drive the extra distance to visit KK, as they are never disappointed with the quality of their hair. KK's Barbershop is a true testament to the art of barbering.
KK's Barbershop, a renowned establishment founded by Kanaan Kahde, a skilled barber originally from Lebanon. With over 7 years of experience, KK has built a loyal clientele who appreciate his precise beard work, sophisticated haircuts, and styling expertise. Known for his professionalism, KK's shop is always spotless, and he takes the time to ensure customers leave satisfied. Offering services such as razor cuts and haircuts, KK's Barbershop is praised for its prompt and friendly service, good prices, and perfect cuts. Customers from nearby areas, including Barrington, RI, are willing to drive the extra distance to visit KK, as they are never disappointed with the quality of their hair. KK's Barbershop is a true testament to the art of barbering.