25 days in, on a deployed to Lafayette to settle claims for Hurricane Laura damage to properties and I need a haircut bad. I Google barber shops near me and choose Kutz Above Klass, four blocks away and just one review. Bam! I'm in! I walk in the door and only the barbershop was in the shop, cool. Me: "What's up Bro, how much for a cut?" Him: "$50". Me: "$50? I guess I'm in the wrong barbershop". Him: "I guess you are". I fled the premise feeling robbed. Price gauging because of Covid-19 is not a good business practice.
25 days in, on a deployed to Lafayette to settle claims for Hurricane Laura damage to properties and I need a haircut bad. I Google barber shops near me and choose Kutz Above Klass, four blocks away and just one review. Bam! I'm in! I walk in the door and only the barbershop was in the shop, cool. Me: "What's up Bro, how much for a cut?" Him: "$50". Me: "$50? I guess I'm in the wrong barbershop". Him: "I guess you are". I fled the premise feeling robbed. Price gauging because of Covid-19 is not a good business practice.
Great atmosphere, good conversation!