⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Travis and his crew removed 5 large problem trees that were close to our house exactly as planned with no damage. It was a pleasure to work with them. Highly recommend!
August 2023
Had a very vary tall tree that was getting pretty bad. It was leaning into a neighbors fence and blocking our horse trailer from going down our driveway. I thought for sure when the tree was cut it would fall on the fence and I would have to replace the fence. But Redmond Tree Service came out and got the huge tree down and had it fall away from the fence. They are amazing, fast and do what they say. I would use these guys for any and every tree issue I have. They need more stars for the job they did today thanks again!
June 2023
This company is excellent. Great communication and work and always on time. The billing and invoicing was clear and accurate. We will definitely use them again.Services: Tree trimming & pruning
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Travis and his crew removed 5 large problem trees that were close to our house exactly as planned with no damage. It was a pleasure to work with them. Highly recommend!
Had a very vary tall tree that was getting pretty bad. It was leaning into a neighbors fence and blocking our horse trailer from going down our driveway. I thought for sure when the tree was cut it would fall on the fence and I would have to replace the fence. But Redmond Tree Service came out and got the huge tree down and had it fall away from the fence. They are amazing, fast and do what they say. I would use these guys for any and every tree issue I have. They need more stars for the job they did today thanks again!
This company is excellent. Great communication and work and always on time. The billing and invoicing was clear and accurate. We will definitely use them again.Services: Tree trimming & pruning