Great grooming and Judy is the best. Very patient and caring about her clients. Couldn’t be more pleased. Have been going to Judy for years and plan to continue for many more years. So Judy, don’t plan on retiring any time soon. Lucky and Nikky say hello and thanks you for your special care you give them.
October 2023
This was the best experience for both my little poodles. I could say let's go to Judy's and they got excited. She does a great job very professional and very reasonable pricing. She has been doing this for many years. If you want a trusting place to leave your fur baby and expect them to be treated like they are loved and special. This is the best place for you and your pet to get a great grooming experience for a great price.
December 2022
I really like Judy and she does a good job, but if your dog goes in for a hair cut, if it has any kind of tangled, snarles ,matt's it is going to come out shaved close to bald. Regardless of what you may have asked for. Her prices are super reasonable, the doggies like her, she does all of the required grooming. I have a 6 lb Maltipoo and a 17 lb. Chihuahua mix. It is the fine hair on the Maltipoo that matt's so easily.
Great grooming and Judy is the best. Very patient and caring about her clients. Couldn’t be more pleased. Have been going to Judy for years and plan to continue for many more years. So Judy, don’t plan on retiring any time soon. Lucky and Nikky say hello and thanks you for your special care you give them.
This was the best experience for both my little poodles. I could say let's go to Judy's and they got excited. She does a great job very professional and very reasonable pricing. She has been doing this for many years. If you want a trusting place to leave your fur baby and expect them to be treated like they are loved and special. This is the best place for you and your pet to get a great grooming experience for a great price.
I really like Judy and she does a good job, but if your dog goes in for a hair cut, if it has any kind of tangled, snarles ,matt's it is going to come out shaved close to bald. Regardless of what you may have asked for. Her prices are super reasonable, the doggies like her, she does all of the required grooming. I have a 6 lb Maltipoo and a 17 lb. Chihuahua mix. It is the fine hair on the Maltipoo that matt's so easily.