James installed a Tesla wall connector for me, gave a great estimate, then charged me less than the estimate because parts turned out to be a little cheaper than expected. Great guy, great work, US military vet, couldn't be happier!
Sep 2021
We had a tesla wall connector installed. Mr. Rockhold gave an estimate the same day I contacted him. His communication via text for install was great. Install went smoothly. He is a very nice professional. Would recommend.
May 2021
We had a tesla wall connector installed. Mr. Rockhold gave an estimate the same day I contacted him. His communication via text for install was great. Install went smoothly. He is a very nice professional. Would recommend.
James installed a Tesla wall connector for me, gave a great estimate, then charged me less than the estimate because parts turned out to be a little cheaper than expected. Great guy, great work, US military vet, couldn't be happier!
We had a tesla wall connector installed. Mr. Rockhold gave an estimate the same day I contacted him. His communication via text for install was great. Install went smoothly. He is a very nice professional. Would recommend.
We had a tesla wall connector installed. Mr. Rockhold gave an estimate the same day I contacted him. His communication via text for install was great. Install went smoothly. He is a very nice professional. Would recommend.