2024 Update- 5 years later I can’t state any more enthusiastically how grateful we are to LTS. They just cleaned up a bunch of storm damage for us and for our neighbor. Thank you guys so much!
My relationship with Louisville Tree originated from buying our first home and never really thinking to look at the number of trees on the property line. Years ago a tree in our right-of-way died over the winter and needed to be removed. John recommended we call both LG&E and the state to have the tree removed before paying his company to have it taken down. Because of that honest advice I saved several thousands of dollars and we used them moving forward... read full review
July 2024
We had Tree Contractors remove two dead/dying trees from our property this past spring along with pruning an oak tree.
Tommy and his crew was professional and very communicative during the whole process which was overall quick and efficient.
June 2024
Louisville Tree Service is fantastic. They are very dependable, knowledgeable and professional. I utilize their services regularly at my work. Peter Bell, the owner, is great to work with and very responsive. He has a team that is efficient and thorough. I highly recommend Louisville Tree Service for whatever tree needs that you may have.
2024 Update- 5 years later I can’t state any more enthusiastically how grateful we are to LTS. They just cleaned up a bunch of storm damage for us and for our neighbor. Thank you guys so much!
My relationship with Louisville Tree originated from buying our first home and never really thinking to look at the number of trees on the property line. Years ago a tree in our right-of-way died over the winter and needed to be removed. John recommended we call both LG&E and the state to have the tree removed before paying his company to have it taken down. Because of that honest advice I saved several thousands of dollars and we used them moving forward... read full review
We had Tree Contractors remove two dead/dying trees from our property this past spring along with pruning an oak tree.
Tommy and his crew was professional and very communicative during the whole process which was overall quick and efficient.
Louisville Tree Service is fantastic. They are very dependable, knowledgeable and professional. I utilize their services regularly at my work. Peter Bell, the owner, is great to work with and very responsive. He has a team that is efficient and thorough. I highly recommend Louisville Tree Service for whatever tree needs that you may have.