the team that is handling my dental care have an obvious love of their field. from being on the lookout for what might work better. to researching, and double checking their facts. both were hardworking and l never tired. even after spending half the day on a difficult procedureonly facility i have been in that has two ground floors. could use more windows. the views are great. sound carries. the noise generators and other random noises cover up most chatter though. allowing for privacy, while not leaving one feeling cut off and aloneeveryone there was kind, considerate, and respectfulhighly recommend the place
the team that is handling my dental care have an obvious love of their field. from being on the lookout for what might work better. to researching, and double checking their facts. both were hardworking and l never tired. even after spending half the day on a difficult procedureonly facility i have been in that has two ground floors. could use more windows. the views are great. sound carries. the noise generators and other random noises cover up most chatter though. allowing for privacy, while not leaving one feeling cut off and aloneeveryone there was kind, considerate, and respectfulhighly recommend the place