O/N PARKING!!! And quiet. Toughest part is trying to decide where in the big lot to park. Quick unload by good lead Jimmy at the inside dock at the appt time. Share some rubs with the resident Feline at the picnic table. Great way to start the day.
August 2023
nice reviews , the only one i saw negative was deferentially incorrect , the place is 24 hours and it is more than big enough to get in and out with a semi . fast loading , good place , no problems at all . Wish all them shippers/receivers are like this
O/N PARKING!!! And quiet. Toughest part is trying to decide where in the big lot to park. Quick unload by good lead Jimmy at the inside dock at the appt time. Share some rubs with the resident Feline at the picnic table. Great way to start the day.
nice reviews , the only one i saw negative was deferentially incorrect , the place is 24 hours and it is more than big enough to get in and out with a semi . fast loading , good place , no problems at all . Wish all them shippers/receivers are like this