THIEVES! Yvette worked part time for me in another salon, she stole customers credit cards (Several of them) and charged thousands on their accounts. She should be behind bars for stealing old ladies money
January 2022
Do not trust the business tactics of this establishment. period. do not pay with credit card. do not use a groupon. very dishonest people.
December 2021
I purchased a Groupon for highlights and a cut. The Groupon stated it was available for immediate use. I called the salon at 10:00AM. To set an appointment. A woman answered the phone “heeeellllooo” sounded as if she had been sleeping. I had to ask if I had reached exquisite movement- I requested an appt. she put me on hold then advised that they were not accepting Groupons until after the new year. I explained that the Groupon had no mention of blocked out dates. She simply said, ask for a refund and disconnected the call. I found this to be extremely rude and unprofessional.
THIEVES! Yvette worked part time for me in another salon, she stole customers credit cards (Several of them) and charged thousands on their accounts. She should be behind bars for stealing old ladies money
Do not trust the business tactics of this establishment. period. do not pay with credit card. do not use a groupon. very dishonest people.
I purchased a Groupon for highlights and a cut. The Groupon stated it was available for immediate use. I called the salon at 10:00AM. To set an appointment. A woman answered the phone “heeeellllooo” sounded as if she had been sleeping. I had to ask if I had reached exquisite movement- I requested an appt. she put me on hold then advised that they were not accepting Groupons until after the new year. I explained that the Groupon had no mention of blocked out dates. She simply said, ask for a refund and disconnected the call. I found this to be extremely rude and unprofessional.