From Jaw Pain Release
Continuous pain in the area by the ear, jaw, head, on one or both sides of the face, could be caused by Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder. Jaw Pain Release Technique (JPRT) Is a gentle, supportive therapy that releases pain in affected areas. It uses the body’s innate wisdom, goes beyond the pain and touches the primary cause of the pain manifestation. Jaw Pain Release Therapy is unique and depends on each individual. It’s combining craniosacral therapy, myofascial release therapy, lymphatic drainage and massage therapy. The Jaw Pain Release Coaching helps in getting in touch with the unexpressed feelings, offers support in releasing them, assists in rebuilding relationship with the self (brain neuropathways) and wellness plan.
Ania is amazing. I went to her for shoulder and neck tension and I came out so relaxed both physically and mentally. My shoulders sat evenly (usually my right side is tense and pulls up a bit) and my face even relaxed, too. I cannot wait to see Ania again and continue diving into all of the ways she can help.