Very easy to get in contact with and talk to--like talking to an old friend, but she's your attorney! Linda is on top of her game and in the know about the latest approaches to practicing law. Highly recommend.
January 2024
Linda Bal is the most honest attorney I have ever met in my life. I talked to one Bankruptcy Lawyer who wanted to charge me thousands of dollars more than Linda's fee. I talked to a debt consolidation company that wanted payment of 30% of my outstanding debt. There are so many scammers that prey on people with financial difficulties. If you're having financial problems and are considering Bankruptcy do yourself a favor and contact Linda Bal. She has many years of experience, and knows the laws inside out.
April 2023
I just contacted Linda to review a possible case, looking for an attorney. Though Linda does not handle cases like ours, she still spent time on the phone with me to provide our local Bar Association contact info as well as some other info to assist us in this journey. She was so kind and helpful!
Very easy to get in contact with and talk to--like talking to an old friend, but she's your attorney! Linda is on top of her game and in the know about the latest approaches to practicing law. Highly recommend.
Linda Bal is the most honest attorney I have ever met in my life. I talked to one Bankruptcy Lawyer who wanted to charge me thousands of dollars more than Linda's fee. I talked to a debt consolidation company that wanted payment of 30% of my outstanding debt. There are so many scammers that prey on people with financial difficulties. If you're having financial problems and are considering Bankruptcy do yourself a favor and contact Linda Bal. She has many years of experience, and knows the laws inside out.
I just contacted Linda to review a possible case, looking for an attorney. Though Linda does not handle cases like ours, she still spent time on the phone with me to provide our local Bar Association contact info as well as some other info to assist us in this journey. She was so kind and helpful!