Cause the man of all lawncare runs the show. JOE B BUSKIRK,THE ONE AND ONLY, and the rock stars. Josh Wilcoxen had made that company from the ground up ,with some help on the side, into a very successful and caring buisness. Now he has secretary in there who has only helped to grow and make things run even smoother. As I have worked for all the company's in our area including golf green from pekin and true green chemlawm out of peoria I highly recommend staying local with pure green. They not only local but use the best product our there and still just as cheap in the long run
Cause the man of all lawncare runs the show. JOE B BUSKIRK,THE ONE AND ONLY, and the rock stars. Josh Wilcoxen had made that company from the ground up ,with some help on the side, into a very successful and caring buisness. Now he has secretary in there who has only helped to grow and make things run even smoother. As I have worked for all the company's in our area including golf green from pekin and true green chemlawm out of peoria I highly recommend staying local with pure green. They not only local but use the best product our there and still just as cheap in the long run