From Stern Chiropractic
Stern Chiropractic is a Family Wellness Practice. Dr. Stern is the primary Chiropractic Pediatric, Maternity & Family Wellness Specialist in the area focusing on natural performance enhancement for kids in Athletics, School & Activities. Our mission is to help you and your family achieve your highest level of health and enjoyment of life. Our office has been Feng Shuied to create an environment of healing and relaxation. Dr. Stern regularly coaches families on improving their lifestyle habits, including ways to reduce stress, meditate, eat right and remain active. Dr. Stern is an educator and helps all his practice members understand how they can help themselves and their children have the highest possible levels of health and wellness.
Can’t say enough about Stern chiropractic... He has compassion and the best intent.
I have been to several Chiropractors now. Even though he is out of my network, I go Dr. Stern, because I know he will treat my problem the right way. I usually don't post about doctor's or physicians, but I have had multiple back problems and Dr. Stern is the one person I trust. I highly recommend him.
Excellent! Dr Stern has made such a difference in my overall health and how my back feels. Highly recommend.