From Acupuncture By Sarah West
Combining traditional Chinese medicine that has been around for centuries with the modern skills of today to provide relief for the root cause of the issue, acupuncture is an effective option for a holistic, non-medicated approach to your care when you are suffering from pain and unable to get relief. At Acupuncture by Sarah West they use this technique and others to provide clients in Hilo, HI, with the pain relief they need to change their outlook and life. Sarah West stays on top of the latest techniques in the field to offer treatment for internal disorders, pressure caused by stress and extreme pain as a result of injury. Her 35 years of experience in the industry enables her to provide solutions for patients.
Experience in the world of people, and the myriad of loss of movement, is soon a vague memory. So is all that Pain.
Sarah is a professional. She is precise and calculating; well worth the money. I am confident she can always help me. My daughter even sees her.