Massage therapy is a treatment that is conducive to maintaining and improving flexibility and exercise. By working on muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints, regular massage can improve your flexibility and range of motion, making your joints smoother and making them less prone to injury. Regular massage not only helps to reduce stress, but naturally increases the killing power of the immune system (the level of natural "killer cell" activity on the human body) and the reduced number of T cells, which increases the overall immune function of the body.
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Massage therapy is a treatment that is conducive to maintaining and improving flexibility and exercise. By working on muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and joints, regular massage can improve your flexibility and range of motion, making your joints smoother and making them less prone to injury. Regular massage not only helps to reduce stress, but naturally increases the killing power of the immune system (the level of natural "killer cell" activity on the human body) and the reduced number of T cells, which increases the overall immune function of the body.
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