The most relaxing self-care experience. The ability to place oneself in a cocoon of soothing massage. I was able to have a private session of placing myself in a fully loaded, head to toe massage chair that I was able to control to my comfort of level and speed. The room is private, with soothing music, aromatherapy and comfort. For the price, this is something that will be placed into my monthly regimen of self care. Sad this is the first I've heard of something like this. I booked session with my husband but can just as well be a girls day out event of massage. Already had 2 sessions and looking now to take my Sister/friend.
The most relaxing self-care experience. The ability to place oneself in a cocoon of soothing massage. I was able to have a private session of placing myself in a fully loaded, head to toe massage chair that I was able to control to my comfort of level and speed. The room is private, with soothing music, aromatherapy and comfort. For the price, this is something that will be placed into my monthly regimen of self care. Sad this is the first I've heard of something like this. I booked session with my husband but can just as well be a girls day out event of massage. Already had 2 sessions and looking now to take my Sister/friend.