I compare Brenda to the Energizer Bunny, so much energy. Our first impression of Brenda was that she was a down to earth, straight shooter. We liked that about her. We needed someone to tell it like it is. Brenda was right on top of everything and had open communication about what was happening with the house from start to finish. Which was great because we were not in Florida when the house was sold.Brenda told us that she treated all sales like they were million-dollar listings, and she was true to her word. She staged the house, and it looked great! We had offers right away and a buyer within days of going online.Thank you, Brenda, for your hard work and great ideas!
I compare Brenda to the Energizer Bunny, so much energy. Our first impression of Brenda was that she was a down to earth, straight shooter. We liked that about her. We needed someone to tell it like it is. Brenda was right on top of everything and had open communication about what was happening with the house from start to finish. Which was great because we were not in Florida when the house was sold.Brenda told us that she treated all sales like they were million-dollar listings, and she was true to her word. She staged the house, and it looked great! We had offers right away and a buyer within days of going online.Thank you, Brenda, for your hard work and great ideas!