From West Coast Wellness
As an Auto Injury Doctor, we help people of all ages overcome injuries caused by car accidents and other injuries, get out of pain and return to their jobs, their sports, their hobbies and their lives. At West Coast Wellness, you’ll find the latest state-of-the-art equipment and therapy that can fix your pain fast. If your condition is caused by inflammation, back pain or injury, we can help. Dr. Alex Erickson is an an auto injury chiropractor expert and has dedicated his career to eliminating pain for his patients. He provides chiropractic and medical treatment for relief from accident pain including whiplash, herniated discs, shoulder injuries, sciatica and headaches. Dr. Erickson wants to help you overcome chronic pain.
Everyone one there is so friendly I went in for chronic headaches and lower back pain, I haven’t felt this good in a very long time! I highly recommend them.