Always remember to tip in cash, The girls work extra hard for you.If you could afford to get your nails done you could afford to tip, If you don't tip you will wait a long time for your nails. You'll get lousy servire remember to always tip and cash.
December 2023
I love this place I'm from Michigan and they did way better than I've had there. He's funny and nice and it was such a nice vibe ! Everything I asked for I received plus more.. I love my toes and my sister loves her nails
September 2023
It's a nice clean place, the staff is very good and friendly. The pedicure chairs are the highlight of the entire place. They're big and offer a back massage. I love this place.
Always remember to tip in cash, The girls work extra hard for you.If you could afford to get your nails done you could afford to tip, If you don't tip you will wait a long time for your nails. You'll get lousy servire remember to always tip and cash.
I love this place I'm from Michigan and they did way better than I've had there. He's funny and nice and it was such a nice vibe ! Everything I asked for I received plus more.. I love my toes and my sister loves her nails
It's a nice clean place, the staff is very good and friendly. The pedicure chairs are the highlight of the entire place. They're big and offer a back massage. I love this place.