I found my best little buddy, Shitzu Max, a little over a year ago. For the record, he was advertised for two months on Craigslist. But I'll be honest, I fell in love with him the second I saw him because he's just the cutest dog ever. But he definitely came with a lot of baggage, meaning he is literally, actually, quite most certainly the most ornery old dog you'll ever meet. Which, coincidentally, makes him one of the cutest dogs you'll ever meet. Which is all to set the stage for why it had been over a year before I took him to a professional groomer. I did find and have some initial success with a vacuum cleaner dog-snipper thing... read full review
July 2024
Lestat went and got a fresh hair cut and dyed for the pride parade. He got so much attention from everyone. Already trying to decide what look he should get once this one grows out! ❤️
May 2024
really nice staff, cozy environment, both of my dogs are small but it was quick, in 2 or 3 hours they were done and smelled amazing <3 nails were cut, teeth were pearly white. they had a real glow up✨
I found my best little buddy, Shitzu Max, a little over a year ago. For the record, he was advertised for two months on Craigslist. But I'll be honest, I fell in love with him the second I saw him because he's just the cutest dog ever.
But he definitely came with a lot of baggage, meaning he is literally, actually, quite most certainly the most ornery old dog you'll ever meet. Which, coincidentally, makes him one of the cutest dogs you'll ever meet.
Which is all to set the stage for why it had been over a year before I took him to a professional groomer. I did find and have some initial success with a vacuum cleaner dog-snipper thing... read full review
Lestat went and got a fresh hair cut and dyed for the pride parade. He got so much attention from everyone. Already trying to decide what look he should get once this one grows out! ❤️
really nice staff, cozy environment, both of my dogs are small but it was quick, in 2 or 3 hours they were done and smelled amazing <3 nails were cut, teeth were pearly white. they had a real glow up✨