Lawn Care near North Stonington

Lawn Care near North Stonington picked by BestProsInTown

8AM - 12PM

180 Babcock Rd, North Stonington
Coastal Landworks LLC Lawn Care

“We had so much fun today at the dog park. I think we like to go there just like our dogs. We live close to the lake and sometimes we take them down there. They enjoy walking and getting in the water. I was thinking about getting another car. I can't afford a new one and have to get a used one. Along the way to the used car lot we saw a lot of people looking up in the sky. When we stopped at the car lot, we got out of the car and looked up to see what everyone was looking at. Then we saw it, it was a blimp. I had never saw a blimp before and was happy I saw this one. We looked at several cars but could not make a decision. So we left the car lot. After driving around all day, we decided to go to the grocery store and we got some T-bone steaks. We went to the lake so we could grill our T-bone steaks. We all enjoyed our T-bone steaks. After eating our steaks we decided to go fishing. We did not have any poles or bait for fishing. So we decided we would go fishing the next day. Playing in the sand on the beach is so much fun. Me and my brother enjoy building sand castles in the sand. Sometimes the water washes our sand castles away. We love going to the beach. Sometimes our parents bring fun things to play with. Like a big beach ball. Playing in the water can be so much fun also. After we ate supper last night we all wanted ice cream. We went to the store and got some ice cream. After the ice cream we all decided to go for a walk. When we got ready to leave, the dogs just knew what we were doing. We decided to take them with us. We all had such a great time on the walk. Walking the dogs brings us so much fun and the dogs like it also. While walking down the street we met Shotgun Pete. We asked Pete what he had been doing and he said just sitting on the park bench enjoying the sunshine. Running and jumping can be so much fun. Walking the dogs can be so much fun. I really like it when we take the dogs to the dog park. That can be so much fun. While walking all around town, we began to get tired. I said we should get bikes so we could get to where we were going faster. You said we would still get tired. I said we would get their faster. So I got us a couple of bikes. While walking down the street in my nice quiet town. I met a lady who had two dogs. I told her I had a dog also. Then I asked her if she would like to go to the dog park. She said she had never been to a dog park before. I told her it would be fine and the dogs would enjoy their selves. Later on that day we met up and went to the dog park. She told me she enjoyed it and would like to go again. I said That I would like to go again also. I am so glad that she liked it and wanted to go again. One time, a long time ago, you told me you wanted a dog. I was so happy to hear that, so I bought you a dog. Now that you have a dog. What do you two do? You said you loved to go to the dog park. I am so happy that you like your dog I gave you and enjoy going to the dog park with. Maybe someday we can all go to the lake. We can also go swimming. We can also go fishing. And don't forget hamburgers and hot dogs. We can have so much fun at the lake. Singing in the rain can be real wet. Sliding down a hot metal slide can be painful. Walking on gravel can be hurtful. Drinking too much alcohol, might make you too drunk. Thinking you are the best my not be a great idea. But being a nice person is the best thing you can do. When you are a nice person, you might take the dogs for a walk. You can even take them to the dog park. They really enjoy going to the dog park. You can also take them to the lake. They always have a great time at the lake. You could even take a couple of fishing poles and fish a little while. You can also go swimming at the lake. Swimming can make you hungry. Going to the store and getting some steaks and hot dogs could be real fun. After eating we could take the dogs to the dog park. They love to go to the dog park. We so much enjoy singing in the rain and having fun. Singing in the rain ca“

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41 1/2 A Canal St, Westerly
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“I bought a house in westerly with literally no lawn and these folks have done great work with fertilizer program and aerating the lawn - the lawn looks fantastic and find this company to 100 percent responsive“

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