I WOULD 100% SIGN-UP FOR “HOW TO” CLASSES OR CONSULTATIONS FROM RUSS!! Found Russ’s videos on YouTube. He is the absolute most thorough and detail oriented “how to” expert on painting I have found - won me over when he described in detail how and why to flick your wrist while skim-coating a ceiling with a trowel. Just those “small” details make a MASSIVE difference to a DIY’er. I WISH I could have Russ work on our 1900 house that had some questionable (and very sloppy) texturing & painting done to it by the previous owners - but alas I think a commute from CT to NJ is asking too much.
January 2020
Russ has been responsive and attentive to my requests for information and troubleshooting my project challenges. The internet has changed the way we seek information and I’m glad I’ve crossed paths with Russ. Thanks for the help Russ!!!
September 2018
Excellent painter and does high quality work. He recently completed a couple of bedrooms, dining room, and living room. Flawlessly cut around the crown, windows, doors, etc... We would use Russ again and appreciate his attention to details.
I WOULD 100% SIGN-UP FOR “HOW TO” CLASSES OR CONSULTATIONS FROM RUSS!! Found Russ’s videos on YouTube. He is the absolute most thorough and detail oriented “how to” expert on painting I have found - won me over when he described in detail how and why to flick your wrist while skim-coating a ceiling with a trowel. Just those “small” details make a MASSIVE difference to a DIY’er. I WISH I could have Russ work on our 1900 house that had some questionable (and very sloppy) texturing & painting done to it by the previous owners - but alas I think a commute from CT to NJ is asking too much.
Russ has been responsive and attentive to my requests for information and troubleshooting my project challenges. The internet has changed the way we seek information and I’m glad I’ve crossed paths with Russ. Thanks for the help Russ!!!
Excellent painter and does high quality work. He recently completed a couple of bedrooms, dining room, and living room. Flawlessly cut around the crown, windows, doors, etc... We would use Russ again and appreciate his attention to details.